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Wow Private Server 1 Hit Kill Hack

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Wow Private Server 1 Hit Kill Hack Free

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Back to. The video has about a minute intro. The demo ends at about 4 minutes. The rest of the video is me rambling on about the technicals. It's a real client and it does connect to real servers.

It's very much still a work in progress.Here is a link to the Github that contains libraries that I created for this project:Edit: It's difficult to cover exactly all the benefits of having a custom opensource client but I'll try my best to summarize. Firstly, it opens up the possibility to improve the graphical quality of the game in many ways including how that's done now by pushing some of the newer models into the old client's MPQs.That's just the simplest and smallest potential benefit. Having an open 1.12.1 or 3.3.5 client means that you could deliver features to those clients that weren't available until later. Like quest linking in chat for Vanilla WoW.


Lots of features that don't kill the game that are missing from the 1.12.1 client.You could come up with more radical things like backporting an entire expansion's worth of content to 3.3.5. Maybe you like Cataclysm content but not the terrible talents, changes and etc? You could bring Cata to 3.3.5.Then there are a lot of technical benefits, especially for Nostalrius, that I talked about towards the end that allow you more opportunities to scale. 12,000 people is a lot and a significant amount of requests hitting the WorldServer could be reduced if you could service them at other endpoints instead.Lots of things.

Too many to list. It's theoretical at the moment since only Authentication works.I try not to talk a lot about ifs. Ifs are usually grandiose. I mostly just like to talk about or show what works and how it works. Well you wouldn't have to use them.

I've been pacing back and forth about how to deal with the actual content.One solution is to load the MPQ's and read their M2 data for characters and stuff at runtime. So you'd just drop in the client into the WoW directory and it could read the game's data that is available.

That has pros and cons.Another option is to push this content with the client. Either way though, newer models would be optional. I don't think it'll be a focus at first either. I need to get something more functional at the moment. Yea you could if you wanted to. You could add a Pikachu. If you have both an open source server and client you can do whatever you'd like to.

For example, you could implement pet battles because you'd have access to the client to implement the UI, the animations and you'd be able to add the custom packets required to get such a feature implemented.You could build structures already, I think Waloria proves you can build things, but destructable buildings is something you could implement I suppose. None of that sounds very easy to do but that's the benefit of having both an open client and server. You get to do whatever you'd like.Complex things would still be difficult to implement and the more towards custom you think the less likely you'd maintain good interop capabilities with the current open source servers and would potentially limit your playbase by excluding players on the old client from accessing those features.I think a focus should be non-intrusive features that don't prevent players from other clients from playing. Think Addons but on steroids.

Actually done anything apart from some UI and networking using Unity. Sure, it's a first step. But it's the easiest. You have to actually write the entire client without being able to backport anything (other than models) from the official one.

This seems like a serious task in futility.Sorry. I think the idea is great in theory, but the actual feasibility of this has me seriously scratching my head. We've already had servers write huge patches for the native clients and do insane things using server side tweaks. You're starting this from scratch (whereas over a decade of server side emulation has allowed very fancy things to happen on private servers) and you have no real help.

If dozens of devs pour years into this, I suppose we could begin to see something feasible since you're targeting older clients that are no longer patched. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but you've lost me here.Why? You are going to rewrite the client from scratch?

For what purpose? I understand the capabilities of a 'version free' client, but I think you have delusions of grandeur if you think this will fix more issues than it causes. You're going to cause a bigger fragmentation than you hope to solve with this unless there's an anticipated majority adoption, and you're going to need to actually build this thing to have that happen. Even headless clients (for botting) have barely existed outside of private circles since late Wrath.From the video and skimming the code, you haven't actually done anything apart from some UI and networking using Unity. Sure, it's a first step. But it's the easiest.

You have to actually write the entire client without being able to backport anything (other than models) from the official one. This seems like a serious task in futility.Sorry. I think the idea is great in theory, but the actual feasibility of this has me seriously scratching my head. We've already had servers write huge patches for the native clients and do insane things using server side tweaks. You're starting this from scratch (whereas over a decade of server side emulation has allowed very fancy things to happen on private servers) and you have no real help. If dozens of devs pour years into this, I suppose we could begin to see something feasible since you're targeting older clients that are no longer patched. Even then, that effort seems to be redundant and best spent on actual server features that are still sorely needed despite having 12 years of code and emulation (see: most vanilla servers - they suck from a technical perspective even after a decade of efforts to emulate them).I don't mean to discourage you.

I think the concept is good. This is just my personal opinion and I think the private server development community would better spend their time innovating wheels to go faster, instead of building different shaped wheels (shitty analogy).Best of luck. You're gonna need it. I'm sorry that the projects I work on aren't finished to completion and aren't something that gets done in a week for a GameJam.Also, you're worried about fragmentation but I had never suggested that features should be implemented that cause incompatibility between servers and official Blizzard clients.

I only suggested that it was possible to do, because someone asked, but then shortly said it would cause issues if you did that.I think alone the FreecraftCore.Serializer has merit. Regardless of whether I finish this client. Packet serialization in the WoW emu community is horrific. I see the same issues in the PSO2 emu projects, PSOBB projects and other fan projects or emulation projects. They all do serialization wrong.

So that alone, since it's essentially feature complete except for a handful of edge cases, was worth the effort.edit: People who develop software aren't slaves and can freely work on developing software that they choose to when they choose to. People can work on more than one project. Who elected you project manager for the entire WoW emu community? Get off your high horse and realize that people have differing visions for what is beneficial to people who play WoW private servers.

I'm not apart of the WoW emu community and I have no obligation to go punch my time card at the Trinitycore repo. Unless you contract me I'm going to build the software that I like, that I enjoy building and that I think will be helpful.Half of your messages have been a total disgrace. You can call my project terrible, and you seem to have called them all terrible, but don't try to tell me what I should be spending my time on developing. I'm not really sure who you think you are to tell someone what software they should be writing.

Gives a God Mode or One Hit Kill Hack/exploit (sry i was a newb) for Private-Servers?please post the download or the code =)sorry, my english are not good.im searching a one hit kill hack or a god mode hack, can you give me the code? Or the download link for this exploit/hack?Theres no 'one-hit kill' hack as such, but you'd be surprised what you can do with WPE Pro.Try searching the forums for the words 'WPE Pro' and see what it comes up with.Theres some rather interesting resultsDarkei.